"Uncle" Adam and Maci dancin'--Thanks Adam she loved it!
--Rides! Maci loved the rides, we rode and rode and rode! We had a blast while Mckenna took a nap in the stroller :) I had to throw little miss Payton's pic in--isn't she adorable!
Then we went and looked at the animals-- we saw the sheep, pigs, cows, goats and then we came across ol' "TEX." Maci looked at it and said, "WOW, that is a honkin' goat!" It was hilarious! McKenna is sure enjoying the animals :)Maci rode in the parade with my mom and got to throw candy! When she got to us I started waving and she threw out a piece. A little boy picked it up and she started crying and said, "that little boy took my mom's t
Kenna just enjoying the moment :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
BE County Fair!
Posted by Tanya at 8:07 AM 7 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Maci's FHE...
We had FHE out at my parent's house today and Maci was in charge of the lesson--she did an awesome job! Her lesson was on how Heavenly Father and Jesus love us--she explained that the blessings we have are given to us by Them-and in her words, "They love us soooo much!" So she gave everybody a piece of paper and they wrote down two blessings that they were thankful for, while they did that she sang "I am a Child of God. Then we tied them to a balloon, went outside and sent them to--"Heavenly Father and Jesus!" I love my Maci and am blessed to have her as well as McKenna and Brady in my life. I am so glad that she can remind me of my blessings each and every day and what a strong little testimony she has of her Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ! I am grateful for the gospel in my life and for a wonderful family--I love all of you!
On the funnier side of things...we had karaoke that night! We all sang a few songs-but when these four got up to sing, they rose the bar! They were absolutely hilarious! They didn't just sing--their facial expressions were to die for! You guys did amazing--I love you all! Welcome to the family Ty!
Posted by Tanya at 9:49 PM 9 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Wheat and Beet...
Before we went to the parade--Maci wanted to watch Beauty and the Beast and put her baby to sleep. Well as you can tell - she got a little preoccupied with the movie and forget that her baby needed to be in the bed!
McKenna was taking a nap and the band woke her up-and as you can tell she didn't know what she thought about that!
Maci had a blast at the parade--Thanks for coming with us!
Tanner, Brianna, Maci, Brooklyn, Payton & Jager! They had so much fun as you can tell from their facial expressions! :)
Posted by Tanya at 8:26 AM 11 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Maci loves getting her picture taken--Usually! Today was not the day -she thought she was so funny and I was getting furious! She would be all ready doing something really cute and then run off, look at me and then throw her head back and laugh! McKenna on the other hand was great! She loved all of the flowers.
Posted by Tanya at 7:31 AM 13 comments